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Search Subscribers

This endpoint is limited to Bento Enterprise customers only. Please contact us for early access. Returns an array of 100 visitors/users per page.
Query Parameters
  • site_uuid string required

    Your site's unique identifier.

Request Body
  • page integer

    The page number of the search result.

  • created_at object

    The creation date of the subscriber.

  • gt string

    Greater than a certain date.

  • lt string

    Less than a certain date.

  • updated_at object

    The update date of the subscriber.

  • gt string

    Greater than a certain date.

  • lt string

    Less than a certain date.

  • last_event_at object

    The last event date of the subscriber.

  • gt string

    Greater than a certain date.

  • lt string

    Less than a certain date.

  • unsubscribed_at object

    The unsubscription date of the subscriber.

  • gt string

    Greater than a certain date.

  • lt string

    Less than a certain date.


Returns a list of visitors.

  • data object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique identifier for the visitor.

  • type string

    The type of the data.

  • attributes object
  • uuid string

    The UUID of the visitor.

  • email string

    The email of the visitor.

  • fields object

    Additional fields related to the visitor.

  • cached_tag_ids string[]

    An array of cached tag IDs associated with the visitor.

  • unsubscribed_at string nullable

    The date and time when the visitor unsubscribed, if applicable.

  • navigation_url string

    The navigation URL associated with the visitor.

  • ]
  • meta object
  • page integer

    The page number of the search result.

  • query object
  • email object
  • not string nullable

    The condition for the email field in the query.
