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Import Subscribers

This endpoint mimics our import background jobs and is our recommended way of creating AND updating your users. Once you push your data to Bento it will be processed via our import queues. Changes are often instant but can take up to 5 minutes to process. Great for bulk updates and imports as well as one-off updates. Does not trigger Flows or automations.

Query Parameters
  • site_uuid string required

    Your site's unique identifier.

Request Body required
  • subscribers object[]

    An array with between 1 and 1000 objects containing subscriber data.

  • Array [
  • email string

    The email address of the subscriber.

  • first_name string

    The first name of the subscriber.

  • last_name string

    The last name of the subscriber.

  • tags string

    The tags of the subscriber.

  • remove_tags string

    The tags to remove from the subscriber.

  • some_other_field string

    Any other field you want to add to the subscriber.

  • ]

Returns how many subscribers have been sent for processing.

  • result integer