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Version: 1.0

Bento API v1

Welcome to the Bento API v1 documentation. Let's build something amazing together!

Base URL for API v1 calls:

API v1 is under active development.

Quick Note

Here's a quote from Jesse that is helpful to keep in mind when using the Bento API:

If you want trigger automations or track real activity, use 'batch/events'. Everything else, import (batch/subscribers).


We provide open-source libraries for various languages to interact with the Bento API. For queries or issues, please open an issue on the respective Github repo.

NodeJavascript library for Bento's APIGithub100%
PHPPHP library for Bento's APIGithub100%
RubyRuby library for Bento event trackingGithubTracking Only


API calls require HTTP Basic Authentication. Use your publishable_key as username and secret_key as password. Find your keys here.

Scope requests by site using your site_uuid (aka Site Key), found in site settings or by clicking the gear icon on your site. You can also find this on your API keys page.

NOTE: Your keys provide access to all sites your account can access. If managing multiple Bento accounts, use the client's API keys.

Common Errors

CodeDescriptionDebug Notes
400Bad RequestEnsure your request matches the format of the examples.
401UnauthorizedVerify the correct usage of publishable key, secret key, and site key/uuid.
429Too Many RequestsReduce the number of requests.
500Internal Server ErrorEnsure your request matches the format of the examples. Check our uptime status if the issue persists.

Rate Limits

Rate limits are enforced to maintain API stability and prevent excessive usage. Please ensure fair and equal access to API resources.

EndpointRate Limit
/api/v1/fetch100 requests per minute
/api/v1/batch100 requests per minute
/api/v1/experimental100 requests per minute

Implement rate limiting in your application to comply with these limits. Cache responses where possible.

For higher rate limits, contact our support team with your use case details.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining our API's stability and reliability.


Required for all endpoints. Use your publishable_key as the username and your secret_key as the password. Your keys are scoped to your user and give you access to all teams, and sites, that you have access to.
Security Scheme Type:http
HTTP Authorization Scheme:basic