
Account Structure

Learn this key terminology to get the most out of Bento.


Users in Bento refer to the individuals who have access to the platfrom. These are typically team members or employees who need to manage your email marketing campaigns, analyze data, or perform other tasks within the Bento platform.

A User has access to a Team and all Sites within that team.


A team in Bento represents a group of users who work together on your account. Teams allow you to organize your users, manage permissions, and collaborate effectively on your email marketing efforts.

A Team can have many Sites (currently limited to 10 per team).


In Bento, a site represents a distinct project or brand within your account. Each site can have its own set of subscribers, campaigns, and settings. This structure allows you to manage multiple brands or projects from a single Bento account.

A Site has many Visitors.


This category refers to the individuals who interact with your website or application and are tracked by Bento. These are your subscribers, customers, or potential leads. Bento collects data on these users, allowing you to segment them, send targeted campaigns, and analyze their behavior. It's important to note that these "users" are distinct from the "Users" mentioned in the first section, which refers to your team members with Bento account access.

A Visitor has many Events, Tags, Emails, ...

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