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Understanding Visitors and Identified Users (aka People)

In the context of our platform, a visitor is anyone who interacts with your site, regardless of whether they are anonymous or identified. Visitor data can be updated through various means such as Bento.js, external libraries, or our APIs. However, most of the time, you'll be updating identified users via our APIs.

When a visitor provides an email address, for instance, when signing up for your newsletter, they transition into an identified user. Identified users can receive emails, be added to Flows, and are tracked across multiple devices.

Note: Our billing is based on the number of identified users in your account, which includes all subscribers and unsubscribers. This is the metric you should focus on. Remember, you can have an unlimited number of visitors.

Multi-Device Tracking

Our platform has the capability to track identified users across multiple devices. As users log into your site on different devices, click on email links, or fill out forms, we'll automatically link their devices together. We also ensure that profiles are not incorrectly merged together (e.g., if two people share a computer or forward an email to a friend).

User Attributes

These are the key attributes associated with each user:

emailThe visitor's email address
fieldsA method to add custom data to a user
unsubscribed_atThe date the visitor unsubscribed from your emails

User Associations

These are the key associations linked to each user:

emailsA list of emails that the visitor has received
adsA list of ads that the visitor has been shown
productsA list of products that the visitor has bought
eventsA list of events that the visitor has triggered
tagsA list of tags that the visitor has been assigned
flow sessionsA list of flow sessions that the visitor has triggered
goalsA list of goals that the visitor has triggered
devicesA list of devices that the visitor has used