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Understanding Fields and Their Usage

Fields are a powerful tool for adding custom data to a visitor. They can be used to segment visitors into groups or personalize your communication with them. For instance, you can reference fields in emails using Liquid notation like {{ visitor.first_name }}.

Using Fields in Emails

You can leverage custom field data to personalize your emails. Here's an example:

Hey {{ visitor.first_name }}, welcome to our site!

This will replace {{ visitor.first_name }} with the visitor's actual first name. Personalized emails can significantly improve your engagement rates.

Liquid Guide, Examples, and Tester

To learn more about using custom fields and Liquid notation, search for "custom fields" in your Bento account. This will guide you to our comprehensive Liquid guide and testing tool.

Tip: Regularly testing your Liquid notation ensures that your emails are personalized correctly. It's a good practice to test before sending out any mass communication.